2022 Coding Books
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2022 ICD-10-CM Expert for Physicians — Shipping Now 2022 AMA CPT® Professional Edition — Shipping Now 2022 HCPCS Level II Expert — Ships in December
3 Pack Book Bundle - CPT Professional, ICD-10-CM Expert, HCPCS Level II $249.00 plus shipping $19.99 =Total $268.99 2 Pack Book Bundle - CPT Professional, ICD-10-CM Expert $179.00 plus $15.99 shipping = Total $194.99 CPT Professional Edition - $119.00 plus $9.99 shipping = Total $128.99 ICD-10-CM Expert - $99.00 plus $9.99 shipping = Total $108.99 HCPCS Level II - $99.00 plus $9.99 shipping = Total $108.99
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2022 Complete Physician Coding Bundle
Ensure accurate and efficient ICD-10, HCPCS Level II and CPT® coding in one fell swoop with the 2022 Complete Physician Coding Bundle.
AMA CPT® 2022 Professional Edition
CPT® 2022 Professional Edition is the definitive AMA-authored resource to help healthcare professionals correctly report and bill medical procedures and services. Healthcare professionals want accurate reimbursement. Payers want efficient claims processing. Correct reporting and billing of medical procedures and services begins with CPT® 2022 Professional Edition.
Only the AMA, with the help of physicians and other experts in the healthcare community, creates and maintains the CPT code set. No other codebook has the accurate, complete official guidelines for the latest and current procedural terminology for procedures and services to help you code medical services and procedures properly. The AMA also takes the copyright protection of its content very seriously and is committed to providing the most effective anti-piracy efforts for its authors and readers.
To help combat print piracy, protect our intellectual properties, and ensure our customers' right to authentic AMA-certified content, the CPT® 2022 Professional Edition is equipped with nonintrusive light-yellow dots on almost every page of the codebook. As a result of the implementation of this anti-piracy technology, this codebook cannot be reproduced by photocopy or scan in accordance with current copyright rules and laws.
The CPT® 2022 Professional Edition codebook covers hundreds of code, guideline and text changes and features:
- CPT® Changes, CPT® Assistant, and Clinical Examples in Radiology citations — provides cross-referenced information in popular AMA resources that can enhance your understanding of the CPT code set
- A comprehensive index — aid in locating codes related to a specific procedure, service, anatomic site, condition, synonym, eponym or abbreviation to allow for a clearer, quicker search
- Anatomical and procedural illustrations — help improve coding accuracy and understanding of the anatomy and procedures discussed
- Coding tips throughout each section — improve understanding of the nuances of the code set
- Enhanced codebook table of contents — enable a quick search of the codebook’s content for quick access
- Section-specific table of contents — provide a useful tool to navigate effectively and quickly through each section’s codes
- Summary of additions, deletions and revisions — provide a summary and quick reference of the 2022 changes in the codes without having to compare editions
- Multiple appendices — offer additional information for modifiers, clinical examples, add-on codes, vascular families re-sequenced codes, and MAAAs and PLA services
- New Appendix Q — provide coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines and their associated administration codes
- New Appendix R — provide digital medicine services taxonomy
- Comprehensive E/M code selection tables — aid physicians and coders in assigning the most appropriate evaluation and management codes
- Notes pages at the end of every code set section and subsection
2022 ICD-10-CM Expert for Physicians
Code claims accurately, prevent denials and secure every reimbursement dollar earned with the ICD-10-CM Expert for Physicians, fully updated for 2022.
Ensure your practice has the official ICD-10 code manual that has everything a medical practice coder needs for accurate and efficient diagnosis coding, as well as full HIPAA compliance.
More than just the code set, you also get official guidelines, definitions and expert tips so you won’t lose out on reimbursement payments over coding errors. Like any DecisionHealth code book, the 2022 ICD-10-CM Expert for Physicians is designed with simple navigation, to help you find codes faster and boost productivity. Featuring the alphabetic index and tabular, plus code descriptions and conventions, this manual is organized the way coders are accustomed to viewing the code set. You simply won’t need any other ICD-10-CM coding reference.
Get easy-to-understand coding information from the expert that you can rely on — order today!
Features include:
- UPDATED! Complete HIPAA-mandated ICD-10-CM code set—all ICD-10-CM codes and descriptions, organized across 21 chapters, including external causes and reasons for visit
- Enhanced formatting in the tabular — quickly distinguish between each code within a family. See sample page.
- UPDATED! Appendices—all new, revised, deleted codes
- UPDATED! Muscle and tendon tables—providing crosswalks to codes
- UPDATED! Risk hierarchical condition code flag icon—added to comply with risk adjustment reporting requirements
- UPDATED! ICD-10 guidelines excerpts — embedded in the Tabular at the code level
- EXCLUDES 2 conventions—included along with all other coding conventions (Includes, Clarifying Terms, Code First and Use Additional Code notes)
- Placeholder “X”—added to 3-, 4- and 5-character codes requiring 7th characters with a dash (-) in the 7th character position to identify it is needed
- UPDATED! More than 200 code-specific illustrations —encourage better interpretation of clinical notes and ensure assignment of the correct code
- UPDATED! Medical term definitions— clarify diseases and conditions
- UPDATED! Tables and indexes—including the Neoplasm and Drug and Chemical Tables and External Causes and Alphabetic Disease Indexes
- UPDATED! Official Index—to easily navigate the new coding system using the index to the tabular section and the index to the external causes
- 7th character icons—indicate codes that require a 7th digit to ensure specificity and validity
- Manifestation Code highlights—indicate codes that require pairing, plus blue “Code First” notes next to highlight manifestation codes requiring an etiology code
- Coding Tips—offer guidance and raise red flags to encourage compliance and accurate reimbursement
- Defining ICD-10-CM—including a background on ICD-10 and its conventions
2022 HCPCS Level II Expert
If your practice bills for Medicare services, durable medical equipment (DME), injections, drugs, and other medical supplies, you need to stay on top of HCPCS coding information. You’ll do that and prevent denials, audits and payment delays with the 2022 HCPCS Level II Expert.
With the newest 2022 edition, have everything you need to know about each HCPCS code including new changes, DMEPOS, PQRS and Pub 100 information and modifiers. Not to mention helpful advice, and code-specific details, such as icons and helpful reimbursement indicators, all at your fingertips for easy access within seconds. Order your copy and start maximizing your practice’s payments today.
Features include:
- NEW! Plain English definitions—for the most common HCPCS DME and drug codes to help you quickly identify these supplies to enhance coding and critical-thinking skills
- UPDATED! New, revised and deleted HCPCS Level II Codes—with icons to identify changes
- UPDATED! Expanded alphabetical index— organized with guidance and input from experienced coding and billing professionals
- UPDATED! DMEPOS icons—identify Medicare allowed billing opportunities for durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies
- UPDATED! Deleted codes crosswalks—display valid codes that have replaced temporary codes and other deletions
- UPDATED! National Coverage Determination (NCD) policy code-level citations—ensure compliance with Medicare coverage policy for certain procedures and professional services
- UPDATED! Medicare Pub 100 information—with associated code and an Appendix of full descriptions
- UPDATED! Table of Drugs Appendix—with J codes cross-referenced to brand names
- UPDATED! APC and ASC payment icons—show those codes payable under Outpatient Prospective Payment Systems (OPPS) and those that can use 18 ASC groupings
- UPDATED! AHA Coding Clinic for HCPCS— identify where to find critical guidance on challenging HCPCS Level II codes or sections
- UPDATED! Age and sex edit icons—indicate code restrictions at a glance, based on patient information
- UPDATED! Icons for specific payment rules— indicate coverage rules and patient responsibility for drugs and services not reimbursed by Medicare
- High-quality illustrations—provide visual insight into specific equipment, supplies and services